欢迎光临先锋智能 - 盘式干燥机 专题网站!圆盘式干燥机 , PLG盘式干燥机 , 振动盘式干燥机 , PLG系列盘式连续干燥机
盘式干燥机 专题网站

先锋智能 创建于1997年

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信息来源: | 发布日期: 2014-05-07 15:07:46 | 浏览量:3163

  Wykes盘式干燥机是设计用于连续加工的范围广泛的湿固体产品的过程中遇到的食品,宠物食品和渲染行业的表面接触干燥器。 Wykes催干剂中安装了许多应用程序,包括肉类和骨粉,羽毛粉,血粉,酿酒的粮食和水分含量高的污泥。 该设计确保^佳的蒸发效率,在一个紧凑的单元内,作为一个结果,产品和旋转的转子盘组件导致紧凑的加热表面要求具有高的热传递率之间的良好的接触。

  一个典型的应用是烹调的动物产品,单位面积的生产能力可高达60%水分的湿产品16吨/小时)的生产一般为6.5吨干品。 水汽蒸发提取,非常适合于在一个的Wykes热氧化剂,破坏所有的气味氧化处理。 或者,他们可以凝结在空气冷却冷凝器和处理的污水处理厂,所有这些都可以作为标准Wykes产品。
  转子管是一种精密的机械加工轴,包含了一系列的网点沿着它的长度超过,单独的圆盘的子组件准确的定位。 在操作中,被注入到该轴的一端的蒸汽进入每个盘,通过这些开口,这也允许冷凝液回流到该轴。 被收集的冷凝水从该轴通过一个浸入管和放电通过作为蒸汽入口通过一个压力密封的旋转接头的同一端。
  所有的的Wykes干燥器构造由一系列不锈钢盘要么1700毫米直径。或2200毫米直径。根据干燥机的大小。每片光碟是从BS 1501:第3部分1990级304S31或相当于不锈钢制造。
  转子轴的完成通过加入端短轴是伪造的,测试,然后精密机加工的转子管的端部上的配合和螺栓。 ^终的结果是一个高效率的旋转盘总成,已设计,以满足^严格的要求。 标准转子盘的设计,建造和测试,完全符合BS 5500,英国焊接的压力容器标准规范。所有的焊接工艺和焊工的全面测试和批准的世界上处于^水平。

  干燥机外壳采用12mm厚的级304L不锈钢制造。 外壳的上半部分被设计用于收集和水蒸气提取转移远离产品。 检查门安装在沿其整个长度的这种蒸汽圆顶。 端部法兰用螺栓固定到壳,而这些从碳素钢构成的焊接到里面用不锈钢衬里。这将确保“湿”的所有接触的部件均采用不锈钢。 检修门安装在两端法兰。

  加热介质被馈送到内部的转子轴通过一个旋转接头,从那里被均匀地分布到每个单独的光盘上。 的冷凝水被有效地收集,并通过转子轴的同一端排出。 刮刀条之间安装每张光盘,提高了产品的流动,通过干燥,并防止任何建立较为干燥的加热表面。干燥机是由安装在轴上变速箱,动力通过一个合适的电机额定。被装配在两个单元之间的皮带驱动的液力偶合器。
  Wykes有很长的交钥匙工程,为整个欧洲的呈现和食品加工等行业的^供应商建立了良好声誉,提供一个完整的服务,从研究和开发,工艺设计,制造,调试和支持所有专业项目管理的全生命周期维护。 Wykes可以设计和安装的控制系统,以确保集成到现有的网站程序,安装成功的一个重要元素。

The Wykes Disc Drier is a surface contact drier designed for continuous processing of a wide range of wet solid products encountered in the food, petfood and rendering industries. Wykes Driers are installed in many applications including meat and bonemeal, feathermeal, bloodmeal, brewers grain and also high moisture content sludges. The design ensures optimum evaporation efficiency within a compact unit as a result of excellent contact between the product and rotating rotor disc assembly with high heat transfer rates leading to compact heating surface requirements. The Wykes range of driers operate by indirect heat transfer from a standard medium, usually dry saturated steam at 6 barg into the product to be dried.
A typical application is the cooking of Animal By Products where unit sizes are available for throughputs up to 16 tonne/h of wet product at 60 % moisture) producing  typically 6.5 tonne of dry product. The vapour evaporated is extracted and ideally suited for disposal in a Wykes Thermal Oxidiser which destroys all the odours by oxidation. Alternately, they can be condensed in an Air Cooled Condenser and treated in an effluent treatment plant all of which are also available as standard Wykes products.
The rotor tube is a precision machined shaft, containing a series of outlets along its length over which, individual disc sub-assemblies are accurately located. In operation, steam which is injected into the shaft at one end passes into each disc through these openings which also allow condensate to flow back into the shaft. The condensate is collected from the shaft via a dip tube and discharges through the same end as the steam inlet through a pressure tight rotary joint.
All Wykes driers are constructed from a series of stainless steel discs either 1700mm dia. or 2200mm dia. depending on the size of drier. Each disc is manufactured from BS 1501: Part 3 1990 Grade 304S31 or equivalent stainless steel.
Staybars are positioned within the disc to provide additional strength using a special alignment technique prior to the two halves being automatically welded together.
The discs are sub-assembled and then installed on the rotor shaft to be welded into place.
The rotor shaft is completed by the addition of end stub shafts which are forged, tested and then precision machined to mate and bolt onto the ends of the rotor tube. The end result is a highly efficient rotary disc assembly, that has been engineered to meet the most stringent requirements. The standard rotor discs are designed, constructed and tested to fully comply with BS 5500, the United Kingdom standard specification for welded pressure vessels. All welding procedures and welders are fully tested and approved to the worlds leading standards. 
Shell Assembly
The drier shell is manufactured from 12mm thick grade 304L stainless steel. The upper part of the shell is designed for collecting and transferring the water vapour extraction away from the product. Inspection doors are fitted along the full length of this vapour dome. End flanges are bolted to the shell and these are constructed from carbon steel with a stainless steel lining welded to the inside. This ensures that all contact “wetted” parts are of stainless steel. Access doors are installed in both end flanges.

